Multi-plataforma. Licencia libre MIT.

Generador de sitios estáticos para

Fácil de usar

Puedes usar MVC puro, sin aprender ningún framework nuevo.

Diseñado para CI/CD

Comandos diseñados para ser usados fácilmente en escenarios de integración continua.

Diseñado para traducciones

Soporta las funcionalidades de internalización de ASP.NET Core.

Any hosting provider

The generated result is a set of HTML files and the respective wwwroot assets, so you can host in any provider you want.

You can also use serverless functions from many providers for free/cheap back-end functionality!

Customizable output

A number of options allow you to customize the output generated:

  • Set the home route
  • Set the routes casing
  • Set the base language

Blog template

We provide a fully functional blog template as a GitHub template repository. This template features:

  • MarkDown support
  • Automatic RSS and SiteMap creation
  • Post management
  • SEO and social media meta tags

Write your application using ASP.NET Core (.NET 6+).

Install the ssg .NET global tool.

Run the ssg command on your CLI of choice.

Upload the generated output to your hosting provider.